A lot of people in Nigeria find it hard to browse because of the high cost of subscription from various Network providers, especially for those who are using Android Phones, iPhones, PC etc. It's truly expensive to subscribe for various plan provided by these network providers. How long can you use a 100 MB bought from MTN at the rate of #1000? You can bet it that an Android phone will surely consume that in less than 30 minutes. It is obvious that the most affordable internet connection in Nigeria today is only available for Blackberry users. What can PC users do to browse at a very cheap and unlimited rate with their Android phone? Zeal Tech wants to share with you a data subscription that is almost FREE, using the MTN Blackberry subscription plan on your PC. You can decide to use this plan on a daily (#100), weekly (#500), and monthly (#1000) basis, depending on what you prefer. Remember, it is an unlimited usage. To benefit from this, follow the steps highlighted below, and enjoy browsing on your PC with ease. First of all, you need to download the Simple Server on your PC, the download link has been inserted in the first step below.
1. Download the MTN Blackberry Simple Server file HERE and extract it on your PC.
2. Get your MTN SIM and recharge with #100 for a day, #500 for a week or #1000 for a month.
3. Subscribe to your preferred Blackberry plan via SMS. For the daily plan, send "BBCDAY" to "21600". For the weekly plan, send "BBCWEEK" to "21600" and for a month, send "BBC" to "21600" without the quotes. A messages will be sent to you confirming your subscription to the Blackberry plan immediately after sending the SMS.
4. You will remember that the default APN blackberry is blackberry.net, but this time around you will have to use the normal MTN Nigeria APN which is web.gprs.mtnnigeria.net. Don't forget to add the proxy ( and the port (8080). When these are done, move to the next step
5. There are two (2) ways you can connect the data to your PC. 1. You can either insert your SIM in a Modem and connect it on your PC or 2. You can put it in your Android phone or any phone that has WiFi Hotspot and connect it to your PC via hotspot, whichever one you chose, just make sure you are connected to your PC.
6. Open the Simple server Application you have downloaded in the first step and extract it. (See the screenshots below). You will be connected to the internet, but before you can browse there is one more step to go. Whichever browser you are using, (Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari etc) open your browser and go to its network settings.
7. For Mozilla Firefox, click on Options then Advanced and then Network -> Settings. Choose the Manual proxy configuration and fill the HTTP Proxy box with and Port with 8080. Tick the 'use this proxy server for all protocol box' immediately below it and click OK to save all the changes.
Mozilla Firefox Settings
8. For Google Chrome, click on Settings -> Show advanced settings -> Change proxy settings -> LAN settings -> click use a proxy for your LAN then fill the address and port with and 8080 respectively. Click OK in order to save the changes.
Google Chrome Settings. For other browser, look for the network settings and input to the Proxy address and 8080 to the Port respectively. You can now browse unlimited on your PC. Open Zeal Technology to test the internet connection and start enjoying the fast and affordable internet subscription plan.
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Special thanks to Stevenbergy
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